Suns Out Tongues Out: Tips and Tricks to Beat the Heat

The Gulpy. My number one essential when I take any dog out for a walk to pack is a Gulpy. It is a dog’s personal water bottle that folds down to make a tray to drink out of.

Find Shaded Trails. They are so much cooler than the sunny sidewalk and there are so many around Oakville there is bound to be one in your area. Not to mention they are beautiful and the dogs love exploring them.

Walk as early and late as possible. Even at 5:00 p.m. this week the temperature has been 30+ with humidity, so crazy.

If you are like me, you don’t always have a say about when to walk your dog. They need their exercise when they need it after all! In that case, keep walks at 30 mins. The heat sucks the energy out of your furry pal anyway! And you too. Give them lots of water when you get home, even if they had some Gulpy and get that AC going!

If there is no AC (I grew up with no AC!) fill a kiddie pool or using a hose to get your pup wet, even for a second if they are like Audrey and not a huge fan of water. The cold water immediately cools their body temperature.

Enjoy the summer sun with your furry friends!